Brief note on galapagos penguin facts

A penguin commonly seen in the Galapagos Islands is named Galapagos penguin. The only penguin living in the north of equator is Galapagos penguin. The scientific name of this penguin is spheniscus mendiculus that comes under the classification of banded penguins. This species of penguin survives because of the cool temperatures formed due to the Humboldt Current. The nearest relative species are the magellanic penguin, African and the Humboldt penguins. These birds have a white band running under its chin. It also has a black horseshoe shape around its belly. These appearances distinguish this from other common penguins. One of the galapagos penguin facts is it is quite small that can stand only about 16 to 18 inches high. It weights only around five pounds. This bird mostly feed fishes such as mullet and sardines. These birds depend on ocean currents to carry fish to the feeding grounds.

Interesting facts about Galapagos penguin

The head of this penguin species is colored black with a border of white color. It has white and blacking grey undersides together with black lineages running across its stomach. When compared with the size of female bird, the size of male is huge. This species ranks third in the list of smallest penguin species. When considered the adult look different from its chicks. Now this species is considered as one among the endangered species in the world. According to the survey of 2004, the population of this species has declined. The female birds lay eggs with an interval of four days. When the temperature begins to fall below 24C the breeding season starts. During this period foodstuff becomes available for the birds. The average lifetime of this species is between 10 and 12 years. Even it can live for maximum 20 years.

Facts about the behavior of Galapagos penguin

Let us see the galapagos penguin facts about its behavior. The birds tend to settle near water during day time. They come out from water surface and stay on land during night because the temperature will be extreme. These penguins avoid getting exposed to day light and sun rays. They flap its wings in order to cover its feet so that they can lose heat. These penguins place the eggs under the sheer rocks to hide them from the sunlight. Since they are smaller, these birds have predators such as snakes, eagles, owls and hawks on the land. Some other predators in water are seals, sea lions and sharks. The nesting period of this bird is between May and January. The bird builds the nests near the water shore with a distance of 50 meter apart. Galapagos penguins are monogamous birds. This means they choose the mates for the lifetime. The incubation period lasts around 38 days. Both male and female are liable for incubation. After 30 days of the birth, the chicks will come out with the parents. After 60 to 65 days the chicks are left free. If the birds could not find enough food, the nest will be abandoned.